Discover the potential for maximizing your financial institution's value to your customers by implementing new, strategic capabilities and methods. Ensuring your FI not only stays relevant but becomes indispensable to your customers, fostering enduring connections and delivering on-going value.
Financial institutions face hurdles in obtaining a complete view of users' financial health, especially with multi-institution account holders. Existing platforms consolidate data but lack guidance, leaving customers to navigate independently. This hampers financial well-being for customers and falls short for institutions, lacking the necessary tools to stay relevant, become indispensable, and consistently deliver value, hindering enduring connections.
We score and quantify their economic viability. This includes evaluating the impact of products, services, policies, regulations, and macro/microeconomic factors.
We help the FI's Advisors quantify their suggestions with actual results in real-time. Helping create a stronger long-lasting relationship.
Simply put, there's nothing in the market today that creates a higher level of engagement with your customers.
By creating a breakthrough customer engagement tool, you will not only gain profitable insights, but a simple quantifiable way to implement.
Understanding the specific metrics and indicators the bank uses to assess the impact of its financial health efforts is crucial. This could include customer retention rates, increased product adoption, or changes in default rates. Ask for concrete data that demonstrates improvements in financial well-being.
Effective financial health efforts should result in increased customer engagement. Inquire about changes in customer behaviors, such as higher savings rates, more frequent logins to digital banking platforms, or increased use of financial planning tools. This can indicate that customers are actively participating in improving their financial situations.
Customer feedback is invaluable for gauging the success of financial health initiatives. Ask whether the bank has collected feedback from customers about their experiences with these programs. Positive feedback and testimonials can be a strong indicator of value creation.
Ultimately, financial health efforts should translate into tangible benefits for the bank. Ask about any financial benefits, such as increased revenue, reduced credit losses, or improved operational efficiency, that can be directly attributed to these initiatives. Understanding the financial impact is key to assessing the overall value.
Stance revolutionizes the understanding of consumer and business financial health, providing a comprehensive 360° view that visualizes, scores and quantifies their economic viability. This includes evaluating the impact of products, services, policies, regulations, and macro/microeconomic factors.
Our tool goes beyond traditional financial services, offering a personalized advisory experience that caters to the unique needs of your customers. This not only ensures a more engaged and satisfied client base but also fosters stronger customer loyalty, as they view your institution as a trusted ally in their financial journey.
The trust built through personalized solutions translates into increased profitability for your institution, with customers more likely to engage with your products and services. Furthermore, Stance's holistic approach positions your institution as a go-to destination for expert financial advice, attracting new customers seeking comprehensive guidance.
Stance is adaptive, dynamic and responsive, empowering financial institutions to navigate their clients through their financial lives.